St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church of Chambersburg, PA is pleased to announce our annual Ethnic Food Festival and Open House, which will be held at 2063 Lincoln Way East in Chambersburg on October 19 from 10am until 3pm.
Many in the community have come to enjoy our annual Festival for the food, including pastitsio and baklava, fellowship, church tours, and more. This year, we will also offer church tours by our priest, Fr. David Jacobs, and Deacons. We will also have a church service at 5pm, and all are welcome.
Proceeds will go to local missions; our St. Seraphim Orthodox Center, located at 213 Lincoln Way West, and Pregnancy Ministries, Inc., located at 455 Phoenix Dr., both in Chambersburg.
St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church is a growing Christian community of people from various ethnic and social backgrounds sharing a common commitment to the Lord, each other, and the Apostolic faith. We warmly welcome all families, couples, and individuals who are looking for a deeper experience and salvation offered through Jesus Christ.
The Orthodox Church is the original Christian Church founded by Jesus and continued by his Apostles. Today, some 200MM people identify themselves as Orthodox, many of whom live in Eastern European countries, as well as the Middle East. The spread of Orthodox peoples throughout the world increased during the 20 the century and continues to increase today.
Please join us for our annual Festival on October 19.
For more information, please feel free to contact:
Fr. David Jacobs at (717) 267-1387 or stmaryofchambersburgpa@gmail.com
Darrell Wilson at (214) 616-6620 or wilsondk@susqu.edu